Easy ApkTool V3

Based on Apktool V2.0.0

Selamat sore, kali ini admin share lagi nih hasil kerjaan admin. Ini lanjutan APK Tool yang pernah admin share. Sedikit tutor penggunaannya :

Extract zip Easy-Apktool-V3.0-by-A.R.F folder what ever you want.
Open this folder and Run Easy Apktool.exe

Function of folder

- 2.Place-apk

if you want to decompile apk or jar that file must placed in here


the apk that has been decompiled will be placed in this folder


the apk that has been compiled and signed will be placed in this folder


this folder is just for sign apk manually and will be replaced in here



Easy Apktool V 3.0 Update
  • Update base to apktool v2.0.0
  • Update Smali and Baksmali from 2.0.3 to 2.0.6
  • Compatible with Android L 5.0
  • Re-organize folder
  • Auto center when start app
  • Re-organize menu
  • Added wipe folder menu for choose wipe type
  • Fix bugs eror when decompile or compile doesn't finish
Easy Apktool V2.5
  • Better easy for using
  • Re-organize folder
  • Added option in wipe menu
  • Fix bugs when got eror
Easy APK Tool V2.2
  • More Interactive if got eror
  • Fixing minor bugs
  • Easy for read logs
Easy APK Tool V2
  • New Updated
  • Fixing minor bugs
  • Now can run whatever you want (not only in PATH C:/)
  • No needed to copy META-INF after Compile
Easy APK Tool V1.2
  • Added menu Sign only for sign apk without decompile
  • Make directory as menu
  • Added menu wipe all your project
  • Added Log for error
  • Support Android L (change log from source)
  • Compiled from .bat to .exe



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